Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veteran's Day

Today was a REALLY great event for our vets! Congrats to our Jeni Thompson on a TERRIFIC speech today. I can never find the words to thank you and the other vets that have done everything for me! I believe that I may have access to the video of Jeni's speech and, if I can and get her permission, will post it here!


  1. Wow of course! That would be awesome :)

  2. This is great Monica, I am sad that I missed so much of today's event but happy to chip-in toward the end and thereafter. The men and women that fight for our country are being honored for their courageous impact and protection of civilians like myself. For that I say, HAPPY BRITHDAY and A WONDERFUL VETERANS DAY TO YOU ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! Go Jenny.
