Friday, November 4, 2011

It’s Not Easy Being 11

Mommy sells sex to buy drugs,
I want to be a doctor!
Daddy drinks to kill life’s pain,
I want to write a book!
What –path should I choose?

Brother is a couch-surfer and a pothead,
I want to be the first woman president!
Sister is pregnant at fifteen,
I want to be a great aunt!
What does antisocial mean?

Mommy is insane,
I want to light a fire.
Daddy divorces mommy,
I want to cut myself.
Mommy, what’s a psychopath?

Brother calls once a year,
I want to hurt small animals.
Sister says her children are more important than me,
I want to hurt them too.
Daddy, what’s a sociopath?

Mommy doesn’t talk to me,
I love my mom.
Daddy has a new wife,
I’m in pain and she will be too.
Please tell me... What -path should I choose?

by Michael Storms


  1. Seeing your words visibly is knowing the meaing for your words on a deeper level. Thank you for posting and sharing with others........snapping fingers!

  2. Mike said...

    Thank you! The meaning is very deep and it feels good to share it with others.
