Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello Vanguadians!!

Hello everyone,

How are all of you?  It is so nice to get to know all of you and learn all about the unique talents we all share!  On that note I wanted you guys to know that I revised my poem titled "Why".  I was just taking some of the advice for Dr. Rosenburge and Monica, thank you very much!  I hope the members that like my poem titled 'Why" would appricate the changes to the poem as they orginally like the first attempt at the poem titled 'Why.  Let me know what you guys think?  Feedback is always welcome, enjoy!

-Genna M.


By: Genna Melanson

You ever wonder why?

Why the sky is blue?

Why do bees like to buzz?

 Why do birds like to sing?

O’ how many answers could these three questions bring?

Why does summer follow spring?

Why do leaves turn brown in the autumn?

Why are we the way we are?

Why does the night sky have stars?

Why is it that we know what happens and how?


I don’t know, do you?


Then if I don’t know and you don’t know, who else knows what up.


So many questions without explanations.


There must be a reason why we even exist!

1 comment:

  1. I like the opening paragraph and as I commented before, this poem is really nice!!!
