Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is my fave poemit is us Us. I was wrapped in blackfur and white fur and you undid me and then you placed in gold light and then you crowned me. While snow fall outside the door in diagonal darts. While a ten inch snow came down like stars in small calcium fragments, We were in our own bodies (that room that will bury us.) And you were in my body(that room that will outlive us) And at first I rubbed your feet dry with a towtelbecase I was your slave and you called prince.prince! Oh then I stood up in the gold skin and I beat down the psalms and I beat down the clothes and you undid the pants And you undid my shart and I undidthe buttms , The bones,confusions, The new england postcards, The January ten o'clock night,and we rose up like wheat, Acre after acre of gold,and we harvested,we harvested I put a good twist on poem By mike boone

My love

My love is so good and he is so good and he is so sweet but he love me by put his hand on my face and his so soft is like he is a angle singing in the heaven and he is so sweet to me and he like to kiss me in moon light it is like a a love last four ever his touch is like a frost time I fell in love and when he and I go out we are one in love By mikeboone


Love is so sweet and you don't Teate it or feel it and be four that person and love that person if they are sad and up set you show that you love them


Meeting today.... see you there!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday and filled their bellies to the maximum possible. I know its a busy time with the December holiday and the ending of fall semester, but I hope to see new work posted from the talented people in our wonderful Vanguard soon. Enjoy your day!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gobble obble

Happy Turkey day to you all.....please remember to give thanks and be thankful for all the joys and blessings in your life. Remember the true meaning of this holiday season!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's a rainy tuesday but we are going to have a warm meeting today @ noon!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello Mondayyyyy

Hello vanguardians, we are in a new week with a new chance to share great ideas to keep Vanguard moving forward. We have one more meeting tomorrow prior to the Thanksgiving holiday, lets keep those talented minds working for Vanguard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Today is the day for main event.......One last chance to tell people about your hard work.........The big opportunity to EXPRESS YOURSELF..... Lets show off our talents Vanguard!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Two Dayz Left

I hope everyone is broadcasting our big event happening in just Two days. It was a long time coming and extremely hard work however, it will be great to see your best efforts on display. Might, I add, your efforts are excellent. Lets show everyone what we got Vanguard!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy, Happy Joy, Joy!

Happy Tuesday, three more days till our big event. Our meeting is scheduled today @ noon  as planned..... Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Guess What? Its Monday...... we have the chance to make one last effort to make Open Mic special by spreading the word around and gathering more acts to perform..... This is YOUR BIG evebt make it count!!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veteran's Day

Today was a REALLY great event for our vets! Congrats to our Jeni Thompson on a TERRIFIC speech today. I can never find the words to thank you and the other vets that have done everything for me! I believe that I may have access to the video of Jeni's speech and, if I can and get her permission, will post it here!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hello everyone, today is professional development day and we should all embrace our day to day activities and reflect the way we carry ourselves everywhere. In the time we live, society is just and common people know common people. Meaning, in this small world who never know who you may run into. Even if you are buying a slice of pizza on your lunch break from work remember, you still represent your place of employment and should act accordingly since you are replaceable.

Use today to think about the self......... I know I will!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Tuesday

Our T-shirt table starts at 9am, please support your club. Our meeting is today and the submissions are due for the drawing......see you then

Monday, November 7, 2011


The week is new and the time has changed. Come on Vanguard, lets start the new week with a new look at finishing the semester off well and pushing Vanguard to be the best it can be. Let's work together and succeed with ideas that are the best for our club!

Friday, November 4, 2011

It’s Not Easy Being 11

Mommy sells sex to buy drugs,
I want to be a doctor!
Daddy drinks to kill life’s pain,
I want to write a book!
What –path should I choose?

Brother is a couch-surfer and a pothead,
I want to be the first woman president!
Sister is pregnant at fifteen,
I want to be a great aunt!
What does antisocial mean?

Mommy is insane,
I want to light a fire.
Daddy divorces mommy,
I want to cut myself.
Mommy, what’s a psychopath?

Brother calls once a year,
I want to hurt small animals.
Sister says her children are more important than me,
I want to hurt them too.
Daddy, what’s a sociopath?

Mommy doesn’t talk to me,
I love my mom.
Daddy has a new wife,
I’m in pain and she will be too.
Please tell me... What -path should I choose?

by Michael Storms

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today was super productive for Vanguard and we accomplished so much for our big event. The word is out about you Vanguardians and people are responding. Please keep up your amazing work and ideas!!!!!

Dress rehearsal

Our preview yesterday was fantastic, we were able to sign up ten more acts for open mic. Thank you to all able to show up and help hand out flyers, you guys are like the dream team (hahaha).

Today is our dress rehearsal in the mini center from 12:45 to 2:15pm, please stop by between class to find out information about the 18th, and ask any questions you may have. Also, we need to time your performance and place you in a time slot for that evening. Thank you, Adriane.

PS: Happy THURSDAY vanguardians.........

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Happy Day, its a brisk sunny morning and our preview is today. It is a great way for us to have a bigger audience and many others that may want to perform. Stop by the cafeteria @ 12:15 and chat for an half hour with us to support your club!!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello Vanguadians!!

Hello everyone,

How are all of you?  It is so nice to get to know all of you and learn all about the unique talents we all share!  On that note I wanted you guys to know that I revised my poem titled "Why".  I was just taking some of the advice for Dr. Rosenburge and Monica, thank you very much!  I hope the members that like my poem titled 'Why" would appricate the changes to the poem as they orginally like the first attempt at the poem titled 'Why.  Let me know what you guys think?  Feedback is always welcome, enjoy!

-Genna M.


By: Genna Melanson

You ever wonder why?

Why the sky is blue?

Why do bees like to buzz?

 Why do birds like to sing?

O’ how many answers could these three questions bring?

Why does summer follow spring?

Why do leaves turn brown in the autumn?

Why are we the way we are?

Why does the night sky have stars?

Why is it that we know what happens and how?


I don’t know, do you?


Then if I don’t know and you don’t know, who else knows what up.


So many questions without explanations.


There must be a reason why we even exist!


Happy Tuesday, our meeting starts in one hour, hope many of you can make it!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Vanguardians!!

For all those interested... I have revised my first poem. Changed the title, added another stanza, etc. I hope to share it with you all today!