Tuesday, October 18, 2011

On Wicker Park (posted by Jeni Thompson)

Do you remember Wicker Park? We sat there watching in the dark,
Holding hands and drinking wine,
Tooth for tooth and eye for eye.
We sat there naked in the dark.
Do you remember......remember, Marc?
These small things, the pangs we thought
Were bought in full and fully bought...
You lost yourself and I lost mine,
Tooth for tooth and eye for eye.
We lay there moving in the dark
On the fringe of Wicker Park.
...And time it passed like storm clouds move
Washing everything anew.
Your onyx eyes still like the dark
Reminding me of Wicker Park.

by Jeni Thompson


  1. This is nice Jennifer, I read it a couple of times because it flowed so nicely!!!!!!

  2. Aw thank you, Adriane :) I didn't have the guts to read it out loud :) Thank you for your kind words :)


  3. That is lovely! I read it aloud to my boyfriend, Mark, and he like it too! I think that this is a terrific example of a poem that stirs the imagination. I can see the dark night, the beauty of the night and the darkness that echoed in his eyes. NICE

  4. Aw thank you, Monica :) I wrote it for.a very good friend. I'm glad yall liked it :) Thank you for your support :)


  5. Maybe you can display you're work on the table during open mic?

  6. I can't read it out loud. It's one of my insanely irrational fears! But I can def print it out :)
