Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hi Everyone,
How is enerone?  I hope everyone is ready for a new week as I am!  I just wanted to let you know I have a new poem titled " Shine Down Upon Me" and some of my early work a poem titled "Who Knew?" revised that I havem't shared with you guys as of yet, but I will at this meeting on Tuesday!  I hope you guys enjoy them and please feedback is always appriaited.  Please tell me if you want me to read ethier or both or none of my new work on Opem Mic Night.

I hope you enjoy them, GO VANGUARD!!!
-Genna M.

Shine Down Upon Me

By: Genevieve (Genna) Melanson

There are so many stars in the sky tonight.

Shimming and shining a moon showing off its luminous light.

Pulling up the covers around me ever so tight.

Thinking about you, and what you bought into my life!

Since the day that you have passed away, my days have been so gray!

There’s been many moments in my life that I wished that you had stayed.

I would have given anything to hear your voice.

Not the joking and yelling part of course.

Just to hear from you, when you are looking down upon me from heaven.

Don’t you know that you were my haven?

Someone that I come to when I was lost.

I didn’t know when you were gone I would have such a highly cost.

You have been there with me throughout my life.

Could you please shine down upon me tonight?

 Show me your light, show me the way.

Shows me the real reason why want to stay!

Please give me the faith, before all the memories of you hade away.

 Give me a sign of yours in those starry lines.

To show strength to me that even beyond heaven we have those tries.

Let me know that God is not lie!

Could you please shine down upon me tonight?

My fallen angel, the darkness that could bring me to the tunnel of light.

Reach down your hand and kiss me good night.

Could you please shine down upon me tonight?

Who Knew?

By: Genevieve (Genna) Melanson

Who knew that life could be so complicated!

How could circumstances be the way they are?

For one thing jumping to the next.

I am trying to figure out what’s best.

Putting my past to rest!

Who knew that one day I’ll be looking back.

Reflecting on how many memories I have.

And it seems funny, time could seem so far away.

Once upon these days.

Who knows what this life is anway?

What’s it to you and me?

Who’s is it to anyone?

Who are we supposed to be?

If I only knew what I knew now?

I would be a different me!

Sometimes when I cry, I wish I could lend you my tears

If only I could borrow your smile for awhile!

Wishing that our happiness could never go out of style.

Nothing seems to stay the same.

Sometimes I want  to run away.

I want to run away to a place where I feel safe.

Who knew of how much love one’s family could make?

Who knew you were right behind me catching my every mistake!

Sitting on the edege of the lake,wondering of how many dreams we could make!

If only I knew what I knew today?

I would have told you I love you, but who knew anyway!

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