Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Work - Michael Storms

Never So Beautiful

Milk Chocolate has never been so beautiful.

You look back at me with all your love
When you’re wet, I die inside
A Van Gogh has nothing on you.

You melt me with a slight glance
When you’re broken, I am broken too
A Monet could never compare to you.

You move me without a touch
When you’re frozen, you’re even sexier
A Renoir will never come close to you.

Milk Chocolate… you are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.


  1. This is a wonderful poem, a delicate yet intriguing meaning to so many interpretations depending on the reader. I really believe this should be one of your readings for open mic!!!!!

  2. Thank you for the feedback! If someone else would like to read it at open mic night, I'm ok with that. I am in an Oral Communications(Public Speaking) class this semester so I'm working out my public speaking fears at the moment. I know this would be a great opp, but I need to pass on this one.

