Monday, October 31, 2011


Hello everyone, here is some information about an event coming up on campus.......check it out!

A Celebration of Native American Oral Literature: Legends, Poetry, Songs, and Speechespresented by Professor Namorah Byrd
Date: Monday, November 14
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Student Life Mini-Center


Namorah Spiritkeeper Byrd is Chitimacha/Cherokee, a member of Native Nations Dance Theatre, and the Native American Women's Singing Circle. She is a GCC English Professor and a Native American singer, drummer, storyteller, and dancer. This program will include a special drum song honoring veterans. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Just recurited a New Member!

Hi everyone,
How is everyone?  Listen I might of had just speard the word about our club and just recurred a possible new member to join us in furture meetings!  Aderine I told her to email you about any questions she might need I hope that is okay with you?  I will explain more about it at tomorrow's meeting.
-Genna M. 


Happy Monday everyone, it is a hectic start to a new week and we have lots to cover for Vanguard. I cannot wait to see all of you tomorrow at our meeting and please do not forget our dress rehearsal for open mic on Thursday in the college center, mini center from 12:45 to 2:15pm.
Thank you and happy Trick or Treating!!!!!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011


I hope everyone is ready for the Halloween weekend, I have not seen any new blogs in a while. I want you to know your creativity is needed for you're blog to be successful. I am really excited to see many new work from all of you.........Have a good weekend vanguardians!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Thursday

Hope everyone is doing well.......the blog looks great with so many creative ideas!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thank you

Thank you so much to the members for supporting your wonderful club!!!

Pretzel Sale

Good Morning Vanguardians......... Come support your clubs pretzel sale going on now in the College Center!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Monday

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hellllllllooooooo People

Happy Sunday, Just a reminder when viewing the blog, look at the last couple of blogs by clicking to the left of the page. Not just what shows up on the page so everyone can view various peer work. This page looks really great with so many talented people posting work, keep it up!!!!!!!


Hi Everyone,
How is enerone?  I hope everyone is ready for a new week as I am!  I just wanted to let you know I have a new poem titled " Shine Down Upon Me" and some of my early work a poem titled "Who Knew?" revised that I havem't shared with you guys as of yet, but I will at this meeting on Tuesday!  I hope you guys enjoy them and please feedback is always appriaited.  Please tell me if you want me to read ethier or both or none of my new work on Opem Mic Night.

I hope you enjoy them, GO VANGUARD!!!
-Genna M.

Shine Down Upon Me

By: Genevieve (Genna) Melanson

There are so many stars in the sky tonight.

Shimming and shining a moon showing off its luminous light.

Pulling up the covers around me ever so tight.

Thinking about you, and what you bought into my life!

Since the day that you have passed away, my days have been so gray!

There’s been many moments in my life that I wished that you had stayed.

I would have given anything to hear your voice.

Not the joking and yelling part of course.

Just to hear from you, when you are looking down upon me from heaven.

Don’t you know that you were my haven?

Someone that I come to when I was lost.

I didn’t know when you were gone I would have such a highly cost.

You have been there with me throughout my life.

Could you please shine down upon me tonight?

 Show me your light, show me the way.

Shows me the real reason why want to stay!

Please give me the faith, before all the memories of you hade away.

 Give me a sign of yours in those starry lines.

To show strength to me that even beyond heaven we have those tries.

Let me know that God is not lie!

Could you please shine down upon me tonight?

My fallen angel, the darkness that could bring me to the tunnel of light.

Reach down your hand and kiss me good night.

Could you please shine down upon me tonight?

Who Knew?

By: Genevieve (Genna) Melanson

Who knew that life could be so complicated!

How could circumstances be the way they are?

For one thing jumping to the next.

I am trying to figure out what’s best.

Putting my past to rest!

Who knew that one day I’ll be looking back.

Reflecting on how many memories I have.

And it seems funny, time could seem so far away.

Once upon these days.

Who knows what this life is anway?

What’s it to you and me?

Who’s is it to anyone?

Who are we supposed to be?

If I only knew what I knew now?

I would be a different me!

Sometimes when I cry, I wish I could lend you my tears

If only I could borrow your smile for awhile!

Wishing that our happiness could never go out of style.

Nothing seems to stay the same.

Sometimes I want  to run away.

I want to run away to a place where I feel safe.

Who knew of how much love one’s family could make?

Who knew you were right behind me catching my every mistake!

Sitting on the edege of the lake,wondering of how many dreams we could make!

If only I knew what I knew today?

I would have told you I love you, but who knew anyway!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Great information

Just a heads-up, the GCC gazette is looking for a graphic design student however, I would still show them your work of any kind....... Drawing, painting, computer design, etc. Email is listed below if interested.
Here is some information about the Disney internship:
There are SO many benefits to having a Disney career, check it out.
How about a semester of classes in Spin? Trinity Christian College is offering courses abroad. Want or need more information?
What a great opportunity to those who are available to go!
Calling all of photographers! Did you know that GCC is holding a juried photography exhibition? Here is your information:
Best of luck to ALL entrants!
Our pretzel sale is on Monday October 24th at 9 AM and ends when we sell out so please volunteer to help one of the tables. All time slots are available and any help is appreciated!
Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing and hearing from you!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Happy Afternoon beautiful people, the open mic is well under way and we are really excited about the great line-up of talented artist. The information for the Chinese basket will also be available during the next meeting concerning the contest portion of the drawing.

Look at all the wonderful work posted on our blog, it is a pleasure to know so many talents as members in our club. Keep displaying you're works but remember no profanity.
Enjoy your day and remember GO VANGUARD!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bake Sale

Rise & Shine Vanguardians......... our second bake sale will be starting at 9am with tables in both the IC and C Center buildings. Donuts, brownies and cookies are available for .50 a bag!!!!

Stop by and support your club.......................

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Michael Boone cover "Stand Up for Love" by Destiny's Child

Taysha's Water Colors

 "Untitled" Inspired by Water
 "Untitled" inspired by Autum
 "Untitled" inspired by sunset
 "Untitked inspired by bamboo

On Wicker Park (posted by Jeni Thompson)

Do you remember Wicker Park? We sat there watching in the dark,
Holding hands and drinking wine,
Tooth for tooth and eye for eye.
We sat there naked in the dark.
Do you remember......remember, Marc?
These small things, the pangs we thought
Were bought in full and fully bought...
You lost yourself and I lost mine,
Tooth for tooth and eye for eye.
We lay there moving in the dark
On the fringe of Wicker Park.
...And time it passed like storm clouds move
Washing everything anew.
Your onyx eyes still like the dark
Reminding me of Wicker Park.

by Jeni Thompson


Hello everyone, our regular meeting is scheduled today @ noon. You don't want to miss this opportunity to speak with our guest speaker. See you there!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Good evening everyone, our meeting will tomorrow as regularly scheduled. We may have a speaker attend but it is not being broadcasted since it is if-fy. The sign-up sheets will be available for the taking for one week to have artist perform at open mic night. If anyone is unable to attend please rest assure that the minutes will be forward to you via email.

Can't wait to see you........ PS: don't forget our bake sale on Wednesday!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A new week

It is so great to know every week we all may start over. Every time Sunday rolls around, it is another opportunity to begin again and change the course from the week before. So happy Sunday!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dear Anonymous ,

To answer your question about the Open Mic Thursday, November 17th I do intend to read my three poems that I have posted on this blog. I am also considering reading some of my other work on that night also, however I am not sure of that yet. I thank you very much about the nice comment about my poems I surely apricated it very much!
Thank you again,
Genna M.


As the seasons change, so will our love of interest. It is a pleasure to see so many vanguardians working to share their talents and help with the club. Vanguard loves the warmth and welcomes the joy we all share and cannot explain the incredible feeling to have so many on board. Vanguard is going places if we continue to  press in this positive direction. GO VANGUARD!!!!!

Blooging Tutorial?

I am new to blogging and I am having great difficulty anything posted. Other than help from Adriane, I have only been able to post by sheer luck! If someone could take 10-20 mins one day to help I would be grateful! Thank you!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hi Everyone!

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I am so excited to posting my fist post YAY!! Here is the three poems that I brought the last two meeting I hope everyone enjoys them! Please comments and feedbak is so appriacted! I can't wait for next meeting Go Vanguard!!
-Genna M.

By: Genna Melanson

You ever wonder why the sky is blue?
Why do bees like to buzz, why do birds like to sing?
O’ how many answers could these two questions bring?
Why does spring follow summer?
Why do leaves turn brown in the winter?
Why are we the way we are?
Why does the night sky have stars?
Why is it that we know what happens and how!
But why?
There must be a reason for everyone and everything.
I don’t know, do you?
So many questions without explanations.
Then if I don’t know and you don’t know, who else knows what up.
There must be a reason why we even exist!

Stand Up and Change the World
By: Genna Melanson
Walk into a whole new world now, time to put my guard down.
People coming and going, trying to stay busy, finding your way can sure make you feel dizzy.
I am staring straight ahead looking at their faces, bringing myself to think who are they really? Most importantly what do these people expect from me?
Do these people expect me to get good grades?
Do these people expect me just to stay out of their way?
Oh is this just another huge mistake, to think things could ever change?

Walk into a whole new world now, time to put my guard down.
People coming and going, trying to stay busy, finding your way can sure make you feel dizzy.
Time seems to stay still, even though time seems to keep on going.
Your outside stays the same, however your inside keeps on forming.
Watching your reflection in the mirror staring back at you.
Feeling like you don’t have clue on what to do.

Walk into a whole new world now, time to put my guard down.
People coming and going, trying to stay busy, finding your way can sure make you feel dizzy.
You want to change the world, but you just don’t how, sometimes you just want to scream.
But instead you stand up and say, ooh, ohh no way, ohh, ohh no way!
I am going to be strong today, and chase those shadows away.
Because I have a right to stay, and no one has the right to change your mind.
You’re going to prove myself and to your no-sayers in your own time.

Walk into whole new world now, time to put my guard down.
People coming and going, trying to stay busy, finding your way can sure make you feel dizzy.
But you.. you can say.. say ohh no way, no way! Stand up, stand up and say..
I am going to be strong today, and chase those shadows away.
And prove to you I am going to change this world someday.

In the Eyes of a Journey
By: Genna Melanson

Once a upon a day you came into this world as a baby.
Where your life consist of 1,2,3 and ABC’s.
Your journey is just beginning.
You must learn to crawl before you can walk.
You must learn to stand before you fall.
So when you fall just get right back up.

Trust yourself to the first steps, because those first steps can show you that you are strong.
Believe in yourself because this is the journey the gluided path you are supoosed to be on.

You must walk before you can run.
The people that love you can give you the strength, when all hope is lost.
When you take risks you take a leap, into whatever dreams you might see.

Take a hold of the ruins and don’t you let go.
You must learn to run before you take flight.
Show this world that you’re someone worth watching out far.
Trust your instances, the lessons that people have given you.

Trust yourself to the first steps, because those first steps can show you that you are strong.
Believe in yourself because this is the journey the guided path you are supposed to be on.

Always show people that you love them, try to tell them every signal day.
Pay it forward, show them the way.
Gluide those on their journey as so many people did for you.
Tell them that there is a path just waiting for you.

When you come to the end of your life, may there still be nothing you hold back.
May there always be a handprint/footprint over those who you shown their way.

May your journey always continue on when you pass away.


The people that have faith in us will reap the benefits in longevity............It is wonderful to have so many people optimistic in the success of Vanguard. As the week bears down all of the members and others extended, can clearly see the forward motion and dedication of the club we like to call Vanguard. Thank you to all for amazing efforts and continue pushing harder........ GO VANGUARD!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Work - Michael Storms

Never So Beautiful

Milk Chocolate has never been so beautiful.

You look back at me with all your love
When you’re wet, I die inside
A Van Gogh has nothing on you.

You melt me with a slight glance
When you’re broken, I am broken too
A Monet could never compare to you.

You move me without a touch
When you’re frozen, you’re even sexier
A Renoir will never come close to you.

Milk Chocolate… you are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

Vanguard Bake Sale

Bake Sale today in the IC and C Center Buildings..... come quick Vanguardians, we are seeling out fast!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Yay! I Can Post!

I am happy that the blog issues have bee eradicated and we can post!


Hello everyone, today's meeting is @ noon, I hope you all can make it. Your input is needed on many topics including the Chinese Basket..........GO VANGUARD!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011


I hope everyone had a great weekend. Our meeting is scheduled for tomorrow noon- time as planned, I hope many of you can make it since theirs a lot to discuss. There are a few projects vanguard has coming up in the near future and everyone can help in one fashion or another. This year is almost over yet just beginning for Vanguard Fine Arts......................................Let's Get Em Vanguardians!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A New Leaf

 Hey everyone!!! Tomorrow we will have our new flyer, we're gonna need members to help come up with a banner for our Open Mic. Keep up the great work!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Hope everyone is having a great weekend thus far............ Even though the semester has just started, we must be aware that midterms will be coming up really soon. I hope the artist of Vanguard can take the time and show their creative side by posting work on the blog and commenting on facebook. Show your true colors........ GO VANGUARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday

Hope everyone is ready to start the weekend on a positive note. Vanguard is very excited about all of the new and wonderful projects coming up in the near future. Please Vanguardians, think of great new ideas over the weekend to bring to the table for next Tuesdays meeting!!!!!!!       GO VANGUARD

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This is a great Thursday afternoon since Vanguardfa has finally started the official place for our talented artist to show-off the greatness inside! The Vanguard Club cannot wait to see the displayed works everyone posts on this page. Please remember to add whether you as the artists would like others to comment and give feedback on the work you post. Various information on contest will be posted soon, please share all of your creative ideas.....