Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello Everyone!

Hello Vanguardains,

I hope everyone had a teriffic week last week and is all refresh for this week.  I am so exicted to be back among the most creative and taleneted students GCC has to offer!!!  I am so sorry I miss the first meeting I heard it went great!  However, due to my work, home and school schedule I can only attend meetings on Thursdays once in awhile (not every week unforunitly).  Besides that little problem I will still try to help out and particate in very event or bake sale the VFA puts on!  Also I will keep all of you posted on all of my new work that I have created on the blog as I did before so you can comment or share feedback on one of my poems or short stories where I am not able to attend a meeting.

I personally can not wait to see what VFA club has plan for this year, I just know its going to be great!!  I want to wish all of you good luck with the new sermester and lets show GCC what VFA club is all about!!

Enjoy my submissions, GO VANGUARD!
-Genna M.

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

By: Genevieve (Genna) Melanson

What do you want to do with your life?

What are you going to do today?

Are you going to drawn in your sorrows and pain?

Living in the past those hardships that just blew you away.

Are you going to extend and reach for a stranger’s hand?

At night are you going to get down on your knees?

Find time to pray!

Close your eyes, take in a deep breath.

Try to live in the moment.

Look around you take in picture that will never fade.

What do you want to do with your life?

What are you going to do today?

Are going to live in the moment?

Are you going throw that living part away?

Or are you going to find it in your heart to stay.

Maybe in your past you made plenty of mistakes.

Another day done and over, who knows maybe that’s all you can take.

Making up reasons to tell yourself that it’s all going to be okay.

What do you want to do with your life?

You reach a relation in May, which is why you yourself are writing these words down today.

A chance to say what has been on your mind for a very very long time.

I am so sorry that it took me such a long time to reach the end of this climb.

To hold onto these regrets, which I have bind you too.

 However I believe its time, I begun to see the light.

I might begin to see why these feels are so deep down inside of me.

Or parths why you mean so much to me.

You and I we haven’t been acting like a team.

You have become so distance, selfish and mean.

Sometimes, I wonder why this is even happening to me?

This is just some crazy dream!

Who is this mister mean?

What is he going to do with his life?

He just can’t expect me to stay.  

To watch him down in his sorrows and pain.

I just can’t find myself to see him this way.

I drop to me knees and pray.

I ask God for why should I stay?

What should I do, so I don’t make any more mistakes?

Should I leave him, should I go my own way?

What should I do today?

This day, this hour, this minute

So he can stop using me as his ticket.

I am at the end of my rope; he’s tested all my limits.

I am running out of pittances.

My big question is still unanswered, so it’s still up in quotations.

What do you want to do with your life?

Dance My Dreams

By: Genevieve (Genna) Melanson

Spinning, twirling, flying away.
Memories guide me from yesterday.
Time will reveal my destiny.
So why should I fight?
What's right for me?

I'll live, I'll breathe.
I'll dance my dreams.

Hold me, kiss me.
Look through my eyes.
Know me, feel me.
No more disguise.
So why should I fight?
What's planned for me?

Take my hand.
Dance in my world.
As I live, I breathe.
I dance my dreams.
Tomorrow will be mine.
Today is ours.
I will never let go.
Until time unwinds.
Today I have just arrived.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hello Happy Monday Everyone!!!
Hope Everyone is starting off this school year on a good note. The date is set for our first meeting It will be held this thursday in the Mini Center From 12pm -1pm. Let me know if your able to make it to the meetings.

Please Check out and like the Vanguard Facebook page for upcoming events!!!
Hope to see all of you at the first meeting!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Congrats to all our G.C.C Graduates and have a wonderful summer!!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


We did it guys! The semester is over and we are all rounding out the last couple of assignments to score the highest grade possible after seventeen weeks of ups and downs. It was a tough and slippery slop but the time has arrived to say, it is well.

Lets donate our textbooks to our veterans while we say farewell!!!!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thank you all and a happy summer !!

Hello and happy Sunday to all the wonderful Vanguardians. This was a bitter sweet semester as we say hello to new and exciting endeavors and good bye to old friends. I would like to take this time to give my congrats on completing another term taking one more step to a bright future. I also want to thank each and every member I have graced in these short 17 weeks of both the fall and spring quarters. EVERYONE, did an amazing job turning this club around and making Vanguard a can do organization. Thank you for allowing me to lead your club and making your ideas a reality.

PS: Taysha- I think you will be a wonderful president.

Monica-ANY path you choose, you will excel, know that.

For all the other amazing members- you are ALL wonderfully talented and I am so happy to know each and every one of you creative people.

I thank you all and Best wishes. Yours Truly and Forever, Adriane A!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reminder for May

May 1st is our last event of the semester. May 4th our magazine will be on campus to be distributed. May 7-9th is our veterans Bookshelf donations @  the college store hope you all are able to help!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Tuesday- to you all...Three more weeks left of classes!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday 4/10/2012

Hi Everyone,
How are you?  We a had our second to last meting today. It was so great to see everyone who had  attended!  For myself personally I could not be any prouder of this club and can not wait for more creativity and exciting activities to come in the future!  Just a reminder to keep SPREADING THE WORD about the Vanguard Fine Arts Club and to anyone for doesn't need their books anymore to donate them to us for our Veteran's Bookshelf on May 7th, 8th, and 9th!

A special thanks to all our officers who had attend today, good job!  And another thank you to Professor Swizshier as our new advisor, we are glad to working with him!  Lastly, a very special thank you to Aderine who has been a shine light and this club's driving force for the past two semesters.  Aderine we all are going to miss and we all wish you good luck in your future plans after you leave us at GCC!

Go Vanguard!
-Genna M.
Words spoken in true artistic fashion. Thank you and it has been a pleasure to know you-look me up anytime AA!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's Friday.

Everyone please have a wonderful break and enjoy your time off. Also, remember the deadline for submissions is next Thursday. Please email your work to See you on the 18th!!!!