Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Love in our hearts on christmas

Hey is mike boone Christmas in the heart I love Christmas, It's not the gifts under the tree, Or the candy, Or the party's that we go to Is about having family, Or the friends, The lord and his son is so sweet is lord son is born on that day, And love is. So good on christmas becase you can share the on Christmas day, It don't matter how you love, Is how you give it, Love is in our hearts on Christmas day. I did this so people can see that love hearts on christmas that is my Dave song so I did it little deffrent about it but listin to the song is by nsync am the name of song is love is in our hearts on Christmas ok them tell me What you think ok bye


  1. I love my peom it make me think of my love

  2. Mike,

    I love Christmas in the Heart, and your changes are great. Your poem really captures your voice, and the message is so beautiful. Thank you for all the joy you bring into my life. You are a wonderful person and great friend. Merry Christmas.....see you soon!

