Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy birthday to two of our Vanguard members Michael and Daryl........

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fine Arts

With the last week of school and ten days till x-mas, Vanguard is winding down from the fall semester. We hosted our last meeting yesterday till the spring quater in January. Please update us with available times so the meetings can be scheduled for convince to our members at .

 Also, anyone interested in submitting work in the publication tentative for May 2012, please start entering work now through April 1st, 2012 at . Feedback will be given promptly.

Emails will continue to go out periodically about local opportunities and contest for our talented members.

If you have any ideas about spring semester and events for your club now is the time to email us at the yahoo address above.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and KEEP POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

13 dayz till Christmas

Good Morning and welcome to a new week with only 14 days left of classes and 13 days till christmas day. Tomorrow, Vanguard will be having our last meeting till the end of January, Thank you for a great semester. Come out and support your club!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


This Tuesday will be our last meeting till the end of January next semester. Thank you for your support for your club and the last 15 weeks..........Go Vanguard!!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Love in our hearts on christmas

Hey is mike boone Christmas in the heart I love Christmas, It's not the gifts under the tree, Or the candy, Or the party's that we go to Is about having family, Or the friends, The lord and his son is so sweet is lord son is born on that day, And love is. So good on christmas becase you can share the on Christmas day, It don't matter how you love, Is how you give it, Love is in our hearts on Christmas day. I did this so people can see that love hearts on christmas that is my Dave song so I did it little deffrent about it but listin to the song is by nsync am the name of song is love is in our hearts on Christmas ok them tell me What you think ok bye

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hi guys!

I hope everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving!  I am sorry I couldn't have make it to the last meeting.  Congrats to all the new officers!  Here is my newest peom titled "Writer's Block" seeing as though I have been having alot of that lately I might as well write a poem about it LOL!  See you guys in two weeks.

Writer’s Block

By: Genevieve Melanson

Thinking … thinking… thinking…

Where did my words go?

Too many topics, so many emotions!

What is the right way, what’s the wrong?

Thinking… thinking… thinking…

O’ what should I say?

O’ what characters should I portray today?

My mind is bouncing back and forth, up and down.

Searching… searching… searching…

Myself to be portrayed into art.

I am staring down at a blank piece of paper.

The clock is tick, tick, ticking past the hour.

Waiting and waiting for the right words to appear.

Connect my mind with my hand so that the right words would follow and become clear!

Pick up the pencil and begin to trace the paper lines.

Cross your T’s and dot all your I’s.

Create… create… create…

Break free from the tries.

These jug dements that bound you to that wall.

What every writer fears is bad case of writer’s block!