Monday, February 27, 2012


Two more weeks left till spring break, this is not the time to stop or quit. But better the time to push harder and finish strong. It matters, show student body what we are made of. Go Vanguard

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hi everyone

To Whom it may concern,

How are you? Alright I get right to point of my email. Is anyone interested in being interview for the March Issue of the Gazette "GCC's Spotlight"! It is a great way for everyone to know who you are and what kind art or talent you have. Plus a great way to support the Vanguard in return! If you are interested in this opportunity, please email me back ASPA. This article will just contain a very small bio on the person work and other small questions!

My email is and my phone number is (856)478-4763. Once a person conacts me we will discuss a time and place of where we can meet. I am very flexible and if you want to do the interview over the phone it is okay wit hme as long as you send me one or two pictures in an email. (One of yourself and the other of your artwork or doing your talent!)

Again it is a great way to show off your talent and support the Vanguard as well! i can't wait to hear from you!
Best regards,
Genevieve Melanson

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hi All

Some of our members are ready to start the group study but no one responded, if you are are interested please email

Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oooooo morning, it's Monday.

Hello, hello, the group study is ready to start. I wonder how many members are interested!!!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Weekend Laugh

Hello one and our last meeting the members noticed a really funny clock in our new meeting room. Check out the picture below!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012